Chapters in Books
[B28] Kanellopoulos D. (2018) "Group synchronization for multimedia systems". In Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition. (pp.6435-6446). doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2255-3.ch559
[Β27] Kanellopoulos D. (2016) "Quality of Experience factors for", In D. Kanellopoulos (Ed.), Emerging Research on Networked Multimedia Communication Systems (pp. 309-332). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8850-6.ch010 mobile TV users
[Β26] Kanellopoulos D. (2016) "Next steps in multimedia networking" , In D. Kanellopoulos (Ed.), Emerging Research on Networked Multimedia Communication Systems (pp. 1-24). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8850-6.ch001
[Β25] Kanellopoulos D. (2015) “ Multimedia social networks ”, In Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition. (pp.546-555), Idea Group Inc (IGI).
[B24] Kanellopoulos D. (2009) “Ontology-driven knowledge management for organizations and enterprises”, In Knowledge Management Practices, pp.111-133. Editors: Alexandru Nedelea, Babu P. George, Mohan K. Pillai. Delhi, Abhijeet Publications.ISBN: 9789380031118.
[B23] Kanellopoulos D. (2011) “Adapting multimedia streaming to changing network conditions”. In Ce Zhu, Yuenan Li, Xiamu Niu (Eds.) Streaming Media Architectures, Techniques, and Applications: Recent Advances. (pp. 24-38). Publisher: Information Science Publishing. ISBN: 161692831X
[B22] Kanellopoulos D. (2011) “Localising e-learning websites in the semantic web era”. In Lazarinis, F., Green, S., & Pearson, E. (Eds.). Handbook of Research on E-Learning Standards and Interoperability: Frameworks and Issues. (pp. 284-299). Publisher: Information Science Publishing. ISBN: 1616927895.
[B21] Kanellopoulos D. (2009) “Peer-to-Peer content distribution systems: Surveying the landscape”. In Peer-to-Peer Networks: Security, Protocols and Applications. Nova Science Publishers.
[Β20] Kanellopoulos D. (2010) “Ontology-based network management for autonomic communications”. In Pankowska, M. (Ed.), Infonomics for Distributed Business and Decision-Making Environments: Creating Information System Ecology. (pp. 9-26). Publisher: Business Science Reference. ISBN 978-1-60566-890-1.
[B19] Kanellopoulos D. (2009) “Metadata and ontologies for Tourism”. In Handbook on Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies. Editor Dr. Miguel-Angel Sicilia. Publisher World Scientific Publishing Co. Hackensack, N.J. (ISBN 978-981-283-629-8), 800 pages.
[B18] Kanellopoulos D. (2009) “High-speed multimedia networks: critical issues and trends”. In Lee, I. (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Telecommunications Planning and Management for Business. (pp.775-787). ISBN: 978-1-60566-194-0, Publisher: Information Science Reference.
[Β17] Kanellopoulos D. (2009) “Intelligent technologies for Tourism”, In Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Second Edition. (pp. 2141-2146), Idea Group Inc (IGI).
[Β16] Kanellopoulos D., Kotsiantis S. and Pintelas P. (2008) “Internet and multimedia communications”, In Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Second Edition. (pp. 2176-2182), Idea Group Inc (IGI).
[Β15] Kotsiantis S., Kanellopoulos D. and Pintelas P. (2008) “Increasing the accuracy of predictive algorithms: a review of ensembles of classifiers”, In Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Second Edition. (pp.1906-1910), Idea Group Inc (IGI).
[Β14] Kotsiantis S. and Kanellopoulos D. (2007) “Combining bagging, boosting and dagging for classification problems”, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. In B. Apolloni et al. (Eds): KES 2007/ WIRN 2007, Part II, LNAI 4963, pp.493-500, 2007, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.
[B13] Kanellopoulos D. (2007) “Intelligent information systems for Tourism”, In Sustainability, Profitability and successful Tourism. Aparna Raj (Ed). pp.384-395. ISBN: 81-7391-914-4, Kanishka Publishers, New Delhi, India.
[B12] Kotsiantis S., Kanellopoulos D. and Zaharakis I. (2006) “Bagged averaging of regression models”, In Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing). Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), Vol. 204, pp.53-60, ISSN 1571-5736 (Print) 1861-2288 (Online) Springer-Boston.
[B11] Kotsiantis S., Kanellopoulos D. and Pintelas P. (2006) “Local additive regression of decision stumps”, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), Springer-Verlag, Vol. 3955, pp.148-157.
[B10] Kanellopoulos D. (2006) “Semantic web technologies in tourism information systems”. In Promises and Perils in Hospitality and Tourism Management, pp.51-67. S. Dixit (Editor). Aman Publications, New Delhi, (ISBN: 81-8204-010-8).
[B9] Panagopoulos A., Psillakis Z. and Kanellopoulos D. (2004) “A low cost reliable forecasting model of tourism data”, In Sustainable Tourism (ISBN: 1-85312-728-8). pp.343-352, Publication of Wessex Institute of Technology Press. International Conference Sustainable Tourism 2004, 7-9 July, Spain.
[B8] Kanellopoulos D. and Panagopoulos A. (2004) “Design of a novel management system of web multimedia travel plans”, In Sustainable Tourism (ISBN: 1-85312-728-8), pp.353-359, Publication of Wessex Institute of Technology Press, International Conference Sustainable Tourism 2004, 7-9 July, Spain.
[B7] Kanellopoulos D., Papadopoulos G. and Koubias S. (1996) “C-MACSE: A new connection establishment protocol for multimedia communications residing at the OSI application layer adopting a comprehensive QoS approach”, In Global Information Infrastructure (GII) Evolution - Interworking Issues. (ISBN: 90 5199 290 4) Publication of IOS Press, INTERWORKING ’96, Third International Symposium on Interworking, High-speed Networking and Interoperability, pp. 141-150, 1-3 October 1996, Nara, Japan.
[B6] Mandalos L., Kanellopoulos D., Kazantzis N., Koubias S. and Papadopoulos G. (1996) “ADVERTISER: an integrated multimedia package for the advertisement of companies profiles, products and services,” in Proc. of the CCSC’96 (International Conference in Circuits, Systems and Computers), Vol. 2, pp.471-478, Hellenic Naval Academy, (ISBN: 960-8485-01-0), July 15-17, 1996, Athens, Greece.
[Β5] Tsasakou S., Kanellopoulos D. and Birbas A. (1996) “Available Bit Rate (ABR) service and its hardware implementation”, in Proc. of the CCSC’96 (International Conference in Circuits, Systems and Computers), Vol. 2, pp.724-732, Hellenic Naval Academy (ISBN: 960-8485-01-0), July 15-17, 1996, Athens, Greece.
[B4] Kanellopoulos D., Malataras A., Mandalos L., Mountzouris I., Koubias S. and Papadopoulos G. (1996) “Virtual tele-education and ATM-based networks”, Telematics for Future Education and Training (ISBN: 951-42-4411-7). European Association for Education and Information Engineering. EAEEIE ‘96, Seventh International Conference, Telematics for Future Education and Training, pp. 205-208, Oulu - Finland, June 1996.
[B3] Kanellopoulos D., Malataras A., Mountzouris I., Orphanos G., Koubias S. and Papadopoulos G. (1995) “ATM as a potential infrastructure for telemedicine applications”, HEALTH TELEMATICS '95, (ISBN: 88-7958-003-5). International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering, pp.59-64, Naples, Italy, July 1995.
[B2] Orphanos G., Malataras A., Mountzouris I., Kanellopoulos D., Mandalos L., Koubias S. and Papadopoulos G. (1995) “An advanced teleconsultation tool for improving the quality of health care services”, HEALTH TELEMATICS '95, (ISBN: 88-7958-003-5). International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering, pp.283-288, Naples, Italy, July 1995.
[Β1] Orphanos G., Kanellopoulos D., Koubias S. and Papadopoulos G. (1994) “Adaptation concepts for OSI protocols to support multimedia communications requirements”, Interoperability in Broadband Networks, (ISBN: 9051991606). Publication of IOS Press, INTERWORKING 1994, Second International Symposium on Interworking pp.99-108, Sophia Antipolis, France, May 1994.